Ongoing rescues and adoptable animals
Last updated: May 2020
Animals featured here are either receiving longer term foster care or are ready / almost ready for adoption. Read about them and if you want to know more please contact us.
We usually have litters of kittens in foster care!
Like Miss Chewie in the photo the kittens will be vaccinated, get at least one (usually 3) dewormer and flea/mite prevention. The kittens are raised in private homes to be well socialised with family life. To find out more about the kittens we have in care please email us or go to the NARAs Adoptable Pets Facebook Group:
Please note that during the COVID-19 pandemic our adoptions are initiated online only. Kittens are currently being reserved prior to being made available, so getting an approved application in and on file is recommended.

Palliative Care after death of owner
Dear Shadow arrived in December 2019 after the death of her owner. She had several large tumours on her belly, one of which was ulcerated and weeping. The vet confirmed she has advanced mammary gland cancer which is inoperable and has spread to her lymph nodes and more recently her lungs.
Shadow however is thoroughly enjoying life to the full and is being pampered in her awesome palliative care foster home. She has to have regular dressing changes and another volunteer made her a body wrap to 'hold everything in place'.
Update. Shadow passed away peacefully but her final 6 months with us were full of love and happiness.
Big Mike
Gunshot would and hit by vehicle
Mike came to us in a humane trap in February 2020. I quickly became clear he was not feral but another beaten up intact male that had been labelled a nuisance. His foster mom noted that he was dripping urine, but would use his litter pan to poop. The vet discovered he had an embedded pellet (sadly this is not uncommon with 'nuisance' cats in our area) and signs of being struck by a vehicle. His bladder was HUGE! Mike started on a drug called Duvoid and over 8 weeks regained control of his bladder. He is now fixed, fully vaccinated, has an ear tattoo and is looking for a loving home. Boy does this big guy love everyone and everything! He should stay on his meds for life, but its inexpensive and he's a champ taking his pill.
Extreme neglect/abandoment
Matilda was found under a house in April 2020. She was in terrible condition. Accessing a vet during the COVID-19 pandemic was hard but thankfully one came forward to help. Her teeth were so rotten none could be saved, all were extracted and will some TLC she is making a great recovery. An RCMP file has been opened preventing her previous owners, should they turn up, from getting her back and with a view to examining any other animals in their possession.
Maltilda is now in a 'foster to adopt' home.