How Can We Help?
Where are you located?
NARA is a home-based rescue run entirely by volunteers and fosters in Terrace BC. We do not have a building to hold animals in our care. Our rescues must first be planned and coordinated to ensure a foster home is available.
Does NARA provide financial assistance for vet care? Do you have a low income spay/neuter program?
On a case-by-case basis, we may offer financial support, depending on the emergency request. Please note that our funds are limited. If you need help paying for vet care, including spay/neuter, we ask that you first approach family and friends for assistance.
Does NARA take dogs or puppies?
We do have a very limited number of dog/puppy fosters in our rescue. Usually the Terrace Animal Shelter, Thornhill Animal Shelter or the Kitimat Humane Society are the best place to approach.

I need to rehome my pet
Unfortunately, we cannot take in animals to rehome. NARA operates as a rescue and we do not have a brick-and-mortar building. Unfortunately, there are very few options for rehoming/surrendering pets - shelters do not usually rehome animals either. We do suggest you make a post on social media and reach out to your network of family and friends. Contact NARA on Facebook if you wish for us to share your post.
I am renting and have to move, my new landlord doesn’t allow pets
We understand this is a challenge for many renters. Try exploring all options to find a pet-friendly rental (for example, some landlords may consider exceptions with an extra pet damage deposit). Unfortunately, we cannot take in animals to rehome. We do suggest you make a post on social media and reach out to your network of family and friends. Contact NARA on Facebook if you wish for us to share your post.
Animal Rescue
My cat is having/had kittens, and I can’t keep them
Are you able to keep the mother cat until she has her kittens? If so, we can offer you support and assist by taking the kittens once they are weaned and finding them ALL homes. If you need to surrender the mother before they are born, we can assess and see if there is an available foster home.
I have found a kitten/kittens with no mum
Firstly, make sure there are definitely no more kittens or the mother around. Keep an eye on the kitten and watch and wait, ensuring it is safe. Do not touch or move it unless it is in immediate danger. If you do need to touch it, try to use something to block your scent going onto the kitten. If it truly is a lost kitten, then box it up, with sufficient air holes, or put in a pet carrier, and take it into the warm and contact us via Facebook Messenger or email northernanimalrescue@hotmail.com. If you have wet cat food or kibble you can add warm water to make a slurry. Note: do not give cows milk.
I have found an injured cat
If you find a cat in distress, and if it can be picked up, put it in a secure box/carrier and take it to one of the vets in town or shelters. You may also contact NARA for advice and possibly assistance, however, we have very limited space for urgent care rescues, and have to be sure there are no other possibilities in the case of accidents or emergencies.

Ferals & Strays
I have found a dog running in town/hanging around my house
This is a case for the Shelters/RCMP/Bylaw Officer – or get a good photo of the dog and post to the local Missing Pets Animals and Bulletin Board pages on Facebook.
There is a “stray” (friendly, comes to eat, can be stroked/approached) cat in my neighborhood
We recommend taking a photo of the cat and posting it to the Missing Pet pages on Facebook. You an also tape a paper collar around the cat’s neck (so it breaks if snagged) with a message to any owner with your contact number on. “If this is your cat please call me on xxx-xxx-xxxx”.
There are “feral” (wild, unapproachable) cats in my neighborhood
Unfortunately, true feral cats are difficult to deal with. Shelters will not take ferals, and NARA does not have a facility to house them. If they are a nuisance, then Bylaw/Shelters/SPCA can be notified to see if they can help. If you are happy for them to stay but want them spay/neutered, NARA or the BCSPCA may be able to help but will need full details of the colony, including approximate numbers, ages and genders. If there are tiny kittens who are not yet feral, contact NARA for support.
Vet Services
Can NARA provide a vet for my sick/injured pet?
We do strongly advise people to establish a vet before committing to a new pet. NARA has no special privileges to get into vets, we can only get vet care for the animals we have in our care.
We do recommend calling around the vets in town and see if they can help you, if not; Vet to Pet or Babine Animal Hospital in Smithers are both accepting new clients. Kitimat Animal Hospital may also be able to help in an emergency. For spay/neuter only, the new vets in Prince Rupert (Rain & Rainbows Veterinary Clinic) is now open to new clients.
No local vets are taking new clients. What should I do?
Vet to Pet in Smithers and Babine Animal Hospital in Smithers are both accepting new clients. We strongly advise people to establish a vet before committing to a new pet. For spay/neuter only, the new vets in Prince Rupert (Rain & Rainbows Veterinary Clinic) is now open to new clients.
Does NARA have a TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return) program?
We do have a TNR program, on a case-by-case basis. We would first need to assess the situation and see if it is something we can take on with our current resources and pool of volunteers.

How Can I Help NARA?
Supporting NARA and helping animals in need is such a rewarding experience! Whether you host a foster animal in your home, volunteer at a fundraising event, share our adoptables posts, or give a donation. All supports helps!
Financial donations:
eTransfer to northernanimalrescue@hotmail.com
Cheque (made out to NARA) – mail to PO Box 1106 Terrace BC V8G 4V1
PayPal at www.PayPal.me/NARArescue
Bottle empties can be dropped at our drop box at 2410 Kenney Street
My dog/cat has passed away, I would like to donate their belongings
Thank you so much for thinking of us at this sad time, we will gladly take the items, they can be dropped in our drop box at 2410 Kenney Street
I have open bags of dog/cat food I cannot use, I would like to donate
We are very glad to take open bags of dog/cat food, we do ask that is has not expired and is very well sealed before donating.
I have new/unopened bags of dog/cat food I would like to donate.
Great! They can be dropped off at our drop box at 2410 Kenney Street
I have bottles to donate, where can I take them?
At our drop box at 2410 Kenney Street, at the end, near Graham Avenue.
I have blankets/sheets/towels I would like to donate
We are happy to accept clean blankets and towels, other linens are not of use to us.
Bylaws & Process
NARA is a home-based rescue run entirely by volunteers and fosters. We do not have a building to hold animals in. This means it is ESSENTIAL that our rescues must first be planned and coordinated. NARA's motto is:
Unplanned requests
NO ONE involved with NARA is to take, or offer our services without it being first being run by NARA's Intake Coordinator. We understand that our volunteers and members of the public mean well and we share the same passion to support all animals in need; however, it is critical we stand by our motto: ASSESS, PLAN, INTAKE.
How do I report animal neglect or cruelty?
Local Bylaws (250-615-4000) are in place for reporting animal neglect or cruelty. Please note that NARA has no legal authority/backing. Additionally, you may contact the SPCA at 1-855-622-7722.
Thank you for your support
When it comes to animal rescue, it takes a village. Thank you for your understanding and support in ensuring that NARA can operate successfully.
Additional questions?
If you have any additional questions that have not been covered in our FAQs please send us your suggestions. Contact NARA via Facebook Messenger or email northernanimalrescue@hotmail.com with your feedback.